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  • 🐇 OpenAI's CEO Drama & Ex-Apple Team's AI Desktop Revolution

🐇 OpenAI's CEO Drama & Ex-Apple Team's AI Desktop Revolution

Uncover the twists in OpenAI's leadership and the exciting AI desktop innovations by former Apple mavens.

Hello curious Rabbits! 🎩

Here’s today’s summary:

🔄 OpenAI's Leadership Rollercoaster: Altman's Rehire Story
💻 AI Desktop Revolution by Ex-Apple Innovators
🌍 IBM's AI Tackles Climate Change
🔬 AI's Leap in Material Science: The A-Lab's Discovery
🌐 Amazon's AI Image Generator Emerges
🐦 Hottest Tweets
🧰 How To make a Viral Movie Trailer with AI
🤏 The Curator’s Picks

Reading time: 4 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1. 🔄 OpenAI's Leadership Rollercoaster: Altman's Rehire Story

Delve into the emotional journey of Sam Altman's firing and rehiring at OpenAI, revealing the reshaping of the company's future.

Source 🔎

2. 💻 AI Desktop Revolution by Ex-Apple Innovators

A startup founded by ex-Apple employees aims to bring generative AI to desktop computing, redefining the way we interact with PCs.

Source 🔎

3. 🌍 IBM's AI Tackles Climate Change

IBM is harnessing geospatial AI for critical climate initiatives, partnering with NASA and focusing on environmental solutions and resilience.

Source 🔎

4. 🔬 AI's Leap in Material Science: The A-Lab's Discovery

Discover how AI and robotics are merging in The A-Lab to autonomously create groundbreaking materials, accelerating advancements in clean energy and electronics.

Source 🔎

5. 🌐 Amazon's AI Image Generator Emerges

Amazon's new Titan Image Generator, an AI-powered image creation tool, promises innovation while addressing AI-generated content concerns.

Source 🔎

🐦 Hottest AI Twitter Posts

ChatGPT's Code Script Conundrum - Users Seek Clarity on Premium Service Limitations

The Return of Sam Altman - A New Leadership Era Unfolds at OpenAI with a Fresh Board

🧰 AI How-To

How To make a Viral Movie Trailer with AI

  1. Generate Script with ChatGPT: Use ChatGPT to generate a script for your movie trailer. Provide details like the number of scenes, characters, and the main plot points. Adjust the script as needed.

  2. Create Visuals with Midjourney and Dolly: Use AI tools like Midjourney and DALL-E to create still images for each scene in your trailer. Ensure that the visuals align with the script.

  3. Animate Scenes with Runway Gen 2: Import your generated images into Runway Gen 2. Use the Motion Brush feature to add animation to specific elements of each scene, such as moving clouds or characters. Adjust the speed and timing to match the narration.

  4. Generate Narration with Eleven Labs: Copy and paste the script generated by ChatGPT into Eleven Labs. Fine-tune the voice parameters, including tone, pitch, and pacing to match the trailer's mood. Record the narration using the AI voice.

  5. Compose Background Music with Mubert: Use Mubert to generate a cinematic background music track. Specify the mood and duration (e.g., one minute) to match your trailer. Download the generated music and add it to your project.

  6. Add Sound Effects with Bark: Incorporate sound effects, like TV static, explosions, or dramatic music swells, using Bark or other sound effect libraries. Align the sound effects with specific moments in your trailer for added impact.

  7. Edit and Compile in Da Vinci Resolve: Import all your generated assets (images, audio, music, and sound effects) into Da Vinci Resolve. Arrange the scenes in the desired sequence on the timeline. Adjust the timing of clips to synchronize with the narration and music. Fine-tune the video's visual and audio elements for coherence.

  8. Review and Polish: Play through the entire trailer and make any necessary adjustments to timing, volume, or visual effects.

    Ensure that the narration, music, and sound effects complement each other and enhance the trailer's emotional impact.

  9. Export and Share: Export the final trailer in your desired video format and quality. Upload your viral movie trailer to video-sharing platforms like YouTube or social media channels.

🤏 The Curators Pick’s

🐇 And that's a wrap on this edition of The Rabbit Hole

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Until next time, keep your ears up for the latest AI news!

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