🐇 AI's Market Surge & Super Bowl Triumph

Explore Arm's market leap, Microsoft's Super Bowl AI, Apple's intuitive AI edits, predictive healthcare AI, and Nvidia's design revolution.

Hello curious Rabbits! 🎩

Here’s today’s summary:

📈 Arm's Sizzling Surge: AI Pushes Chips Higher
🔍️ HTML Breakdown: Analytics Untangled
🖼️ Apple's AI Imagemaker: Intuitive Edits Unlocked
🧠 Predictive AI Mindreader: Antidepressant Roulette Over?
🤖 Nvidia ChipneMo: Speedy AI Designs Win Race
🐦 Hottest Tweets
🧰 How to Clone Yourself with AI

Reading time: 4 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1. 📈 Arm's Sizzling Surge: AI Pushes Chips Higher

Arm's shares have soared, riding high on AI enthusiasm and smartphone sector success, boasting a 14% revenue jump to $824M in Q4 and market analysts crossing fingers for an even brighter annual outlook. Despite a shaky NYSE introduction, Arm is showing chip skeptics how it's done, hinting at bigger shifts that tech executives and marketing gurus ought to keep their eyes glued to.

Source 🔎

2. 🔍️ 🔍 Microsoft's AI: Super Bowl's Game-Changer

Microsoft's Copilot takes Super Bowl creativity to new heights with AI-driven planning, storytelling, and fantasy football, marking a year of significant growth and innovation.

Source 🔎

3. 🖼️ Apple's AI Imagemaker: Intuitive Edits Unlocked

Apple's novel open-source AI, MGIE, is baffling the tech world by translating fuzzy instructions into pristine image edits, proving "an apple a day" can indeed keep the creative block at bay. With academic collaborations signaling Apple's serious AI play, digital creators better watch this space for content magic to unfold.

Source 🔎

4. 🧠 Predictive AI Mindreader: Antidepressant Roulette Over?

Revolutionary AI from Dutch healthcare researchers is here to play fortune teller with your meds, correctly predicting sertraline effects with a week's notice. By turning MRI scans into crystal balls, they're ushering in an era where the antidepressant guesswork is history, and patient well-being gets fast-tracked.

Source 🔎

5. 🤖 Nvidia ChipneMo: Speedy AI Designs Win Race

Nvidia's ChipNeMo is the new superstar AI, cutting chip design times like a hot knife through butter and teaching junior engineers to sprint alongside. In an industry where speed is the name of the game, Nvidia isn't just chasing the pack—it's setting the pace.

Source 🔎

🐦 Hottest AI Twitter Posts

Expanding AI Infrastructure: A Critical Imperative for OpenAI

Unveiling the Surprising Impact of ChatGPT's Lengthy System Prompt

🧰 AI How-To

How to Clone Yourself with AI

  1. Sign Up with HeyGen Labs:

    • Visit HeyGen Labs and sign up with your Google account.

    • Access the "Free Instant Avatar" section to begin.

  2. Record Sample Video:

    • Record a 2 to 5-minute video following instructions:

      • Look directly into the camera.

      • Maintain good lighting and a clear background.

      • Pause between sentences with closed mouth.

      • Keep hand movements simple and below chest level.

  3. Upload Sample Video:

    • Upload your recorded video to HeyGen.

    • Confirm that your video meets all requirements.

  4. Give Consent:

    • Provide consent for HeyGen to create an AI clone of you.

    • Record or upload a consent statement.

  5. Wait for Processing:

    • Wait for your video to be processed and your Avatar to be generated.

  6. Review and Customize:

    • Review the generated Avatar.

    • Customize voice if necessary by recording or uploading audio.

  7. Create Video:

    • Write a script or upload an audio file for your Avatar to speak.

    • Submit to create the video.

  8. Download Your Video:

    • Once the video is generated, download it to your computer.

  9. Explore Pricing Plans:

    • Understand the pricing plans based on video duration and credits.

    • Choose a plan that suits your needs.

  10. Consider Fine-Tuning (Optional):

    • Explore the fine-tuning feature for higher quality output.

    • Fine-tuning may take up to 8 hours but results in better lip-sync.

  11. Utilize Your AI Avatar:

    • Use your AI Avatar for video outros, tutorials, or presentations.

    • Experiment with different scripts and customizations.

  12. Share and Enjoy:

    • Share your AI-generated videos on platforms like YouTube or social media.

    • Enjoy the convenience of creating content with your AI clone.

🐇 And that's a wrap on this edition of The Rabbit Hole

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Until next time, keep your ears up for the latest AI news!

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