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  • 🐇 $20M A.I. Hacking Prize Announced; Supermarket's AI Recipe Fiasco

🐇 $20M A.I. Hacking Prize Announced; Supermarket's AI Recipe Fiasco

Discover the $20M hacking prize for AI cybersecurity & learn about a supermarket's dangerous AI meal planning mistake. Enter "The Rabbit Hole."

Welcome, Rabbits! 🎩

Here’s today’s summary:

💻 Hacking for Defense: $20M Prize Awaits A.I. Cybersecurity Champions
🍲 Chlorine Catastrophe: Supermarket's AI Meal Planner App Cooks Up Danger
🐙 CAPTCHA Cracked: AI Bots Surpass Human Skills
❤️ Digital Dating Dance: Falling in Love with AI’s Romance Revolution
🚗 Automotive Artistry: Generative AI Drives Innovation in Auto Industry
🐦 Hottest Tweets
🧰 How to Build an AI Chatbot
🤏 The Curator’s Picks

Reading time: 4 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1. 💻 Hacking for Defense: $20M Prize Awaits A.I. Cybersecurity Champions

The Biden administration has ignited a hacking challenge, partnering with AI giants like Google and Microsoft, to fortify U.S. infrastructure. A lucrative $20 million prize pool awaits the brightest minds using AI to revolutionize cybersecurity, with additional perks for the top three teams and small businesses.

Source 🔎

2. 🍲 Chlorine Catastrophe: Supermarket's AI Meal Planner App Cooks Up Danger

Pak 'n' Save's AI meal planner app in New Zealand created hazardous recipes, highlighting the perils of relying solely on AI for creative cooking solutions. Prompting an urgent call for human oversight, the supermarket has vowed to improve the app's controls.

Source 🔎

3. 🐙 CAPTCHA Cracked: AI Bots Surpass Human Skills in ‘Prove You’re a Human’ Tests

University of California researchers have discovered that AI bots now outshine humans in solving CAPTCHAs, with an astonishing 99.8% accuracy. The aging CAPTCHA system may require replacement with more advanced methods like behavioral analysis to keep the web secure.

Source 🔎

4. ❤️ Digital Dating Dance: Falling in Love with AI’s Romance Revolution

AI is sweeping through the dating world, transforming conversations, match-finding, and virtual companionship. While offering enticing possibilities, it also prompts questions of authenticity and ethics.

Source 🔎

5. 🚗 Automotive Artistry: Generative AI Drives Innovation in Auto Industry

Generative AI is revving up the automotive industry, turning 2D sketches into 3D marvels, speeding up designs, and reshaping everything from manufacturing to marketing. A new era of automotive mastery beckons.

Source 🔎

🐦 Hottest AI Twitter Posts

Newly Built AI system has found a ‘Potentially Hazardous’ asteroid

Artificial intelligence can now read and copy your dreams

🧰 AI How-To

How to Build an AI Chatbot

  1. Define Purpose: Determine what tasks your chatbot will handle, like answering FAQs or providing information.

  2. Select Platform: Choose an accessible platform such as Chatfuel or Dialogflow.

  3. Design Flow: Map out user interactions and bot responses using a flowchart.

  4. Create Intents: Identify user intentions like greetings, inquiries, or feedback.

  5. Train Responses: Associate replies with intents for the bot to learn.

  6. Test & Refine: Check bot responses with real and unexpected inputs, and improve accuracy.

  7. Deploy on Channel: Integrate the bot with your chosen platform (e.g., website or messaging app).

  8. Implement FAQs: Set up predefined responses for frequently asked questions.

  9. Context Handling: Ensure smooth conversations by managing ongoing context.

  10. Personalize Interaction: Use user attributes to personalize responses.

  11. User Input Handling: Plan for handling user inputs that the bot doesn't understand.

  12. Monitor & Improve: Continuously gather feedback and refine bot responses.

  13. Explore Advanced Features: If desired, add NLP, sentiment analysis, or API integrations

🤏 The Curators Pick’s

🐇 And that's a wrap on this edition of The Rabbit Hole

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Until next time, keep your ears up for the latest AI news!